Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas with the Hollis crew

Friday was the last gasp of Christmas at our house. Jon and his family came over for lasagna, wii, and presents. Sara and Jenna colored and played with their American girl dolls while all the boys played with the Wii. Jeri and I visited and tried unsuccessfully to get little Kara to take a nap. I can't blame her for not wanting to go to sleep. I have trouble falling asleep in someone else's house too! So, that's it - Christmas for 2008. Hope you had a good one (or 5) too!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas with the Toneys

Christmas night my dad, brother, and sister (and her boyfriend) all came over for a little dinner and family time. They arrived separately this year now that everyone is driving so our small family dinner must have looked like a huge party to the neighbors :-) After dinner we had some good conversation, opened presents, and played Apples to Apples. As always, we had a great time and wondered why we don't do this all the time.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas with Nanny

My mom came over this morning for Christmas breakfast. She enjoys seeing what Santa brought the kids and eating some of Daniel's yummy grits! Then, we opened presents and visited for awhile before she was off to help at the soup kitchen.

Christmas with the Shafers

Christmas Eve night Daniel's mom and sister came over for dinner and presents. The kids played with the Wii and we watched the video of Owen's Christmas program from school (thanks for recording that, Pa) and laughed at the Jeff Dunham Christmas special.

Christmas with the Camps

We had our annual Christmas Eve lunch with Daniel's dad and the Camps. The kids got to open the gifts they picked out on their shopping sprees a few weeks ago. We had a good lunch and got to play around for a few hours. Then, Uncle Jason had a big surprise for us all - he's getting married!! Kerri seems very nice and will be a welcome addition to the family in '09.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Fun with the Grandparents

Whether it's playing poker with Grandpa, getting Krispy Kreme doughnuts with Grandmama, acting crazy with the cousins at Granny and Pa's or having a school's out lunch with Nanny at Pizza Inn, Sara and Owen always have lots of fun with their grandparents. Here are some recent shots of fun times.