Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Good Days, Bad Days

September has been another hectic month for us. We've had reasons to celebrate together - an anniversary, 4 big wins for the Byrnes football team, and several "atta boy"s and "atta girl"s from school, work, or church for each of us.
We've also had our share of reasons to mope - a heat pump on the fritz for the 5th time in 5 years that just needs replacing, the beloved minivan that needed brake repair, frustrations at work and school that caused lost sleep, lost free time, and general grumpiness. But through it all, we've remained close and supportive of one another.
When one of us stumbles, the others offer encouragement. When one of us has a bad day, the others give space and time to recover. I'm not saying we always get it right. Sometimes we bicker because one of us says the wrong thing to the wrong person on the wrong day. It happens. But, I have noticed this month that we've been especially loving to one another in our times of woe and as we've been experiencing the down times, we've been careful not to let our loved ones become the targets of our venting.
So as the end of September approaches, here's to hoping that October will be filled with resolutions to current dilemmas and much more sunshine than rain.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

16th Anniversary


Friday was our 16th wedding anniversary. Since Daniel has already posted the ol' wedding photo on his facebook page, I might as well post it here too. We were so young back then. We really had no clue what we were getting into, but we jumped in and held on. 16 years later we're still holding on together and, God willing, we will for the rest of our lives. I cannot imagine my life spent with anyone other than Daniel. He knows me better than I know myself and loves me anyway. He is the best husband and father I could have asked for to lead this family, but most of all, he is my very best friend!

Friday Night Fever

Friday Night Fever has begun!!! This past Friday was the first home game of the year at Byrnes. It was special for us because it was Sara's first time on the field with the Rebel Regiment and, as it is Zeb's Senior year, his first game as a Nixon Nut. It was such a fun night and, of course, Byrnes won beating Myrtle Beach 65-14. GO REBELS!!

Greenville Drive Game

The Byrnes Color Guard was invited to perform a routine before the Greenville Drive baseball game on Spartanburg County night. Here's some pics of Sara, the guard, and her biggest fans! I can't forget Owen. That's a picture of him with the fly ball he caught. All in all, a great time was had by everyone.

The Music Man

Owen has always loved music. Even when he was a baby he loved for me rock him to sleep and sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". Go ahead and laugh. It worked and, as you probably know, with babies whatever works is fabulous! He has enjoyed playing around on my piano and with Daniel's harmonica for years. Now he has his own instrument and it's bigger than he is!!! He seems to enjoy playing it and taking band class at school. Hopefully this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. :-)