Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Legacies

I've been blessed in my life in so many ways - awesome husband, terrific kids, job I love, but the blessings that are on my mind this morning are my brother and sister, Zeb and Jeri. I spent 21 years as an only child and many of those years hoping and even praying for a sibling. When they arrived I was already grown, but they couldn't be more special to me if we had grown up together.

Now that they're both students at the school where I teach, I get to see them more often. It's just brief and not everyday, but when they do pass by or better yet, take a minute to stop by, it makes my day. They are glimpses into the past. In them I see my dad's fervent sense of right and wrong, his competitive spirit, and the famous Toney impatience and temper. They also have unique qualities inherited from their mom. Zeb has her warmth. Once you get beyond his protective shell, you find a kind soul. Jeri has her mom's independence. She's determined and very capable.

This year they've each expressed to me the same goal - to attend USC. I never thought I'd care where they (or Sara and Owen) went to college. As long as they're happy, I'm happy. That's still true, but knowing they're happy with my alma mater is even better. Jeri told me last spring that she's interested in USC and we were able to schedule a tour during spring break. Zeb just told me yesterday so if he wants me to go with him, we'll set up something soon.

Even if they end up elsewhere (hopefully not Clemson), I'll still be proud of them and happy for them. They're proof to me that God does answer prayers.