Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Camps hit the big time

Okay, the last blog raved about the merits of free, spontaneous fun with the kids. This one deals with the planned and expensive kind - we took the young'uns to see an NFL game. We're a football family and the kids have seen football in various incarnations - backyard, little league, middle school, high school, and college. They had never seen the big time so this past summer we purchased tickets to a Panthers game for the four of us.

Originally we had just planned on driving up that morning, seeing the game, and coming home. On Saturday we had a change of plans. It was a beautiful day coming on the heels of a rainy, cold one and we couldn't resist the urge to take a leisurely drive on the back roads and go to Charlotte a day early. We got a hotel for the night, ate dinner at a new restaurant, and went swimming in the indoor pool. Next morning we had breakfast waiting on us in the lobby and we were able to wander around downtown before going to the stadium. I am so happy we did! We wandered past the Marriott and saw several charter buses out front and a yellow tape marking the hotel entrance. It was the visiting team's hotel! The Arizona Cardinals were about to come out. I'm not a Cardinals fan, but it was still exciting - especially when Matt Leinart came out looking all fine in his suit. See above - mmm, mmm, mmm. Even Sara, who had been ho-hum about the whole thing, got excited at that point.

The kids got to 'do the wave' and everyone near us was well-behaved and relatively sober. Our seats were on the top row (section 511, row 34). Notice the wall behind us in the pictures. We definitely got a workout every time someone wanted a snack or go to the restroom, but it was okay. The game was close and fun to watch. Thankfully, the Panthers won and we all had a good time, but I am still not sure it was more fun than dancing in the living room on Friday night...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Free Fun

When the kids were little, most Friday nights were 'dance nights'. After dinner, we'd turn on the radio and listen to music. Eventually, we'd all end up dancing around the living room and laughing our heads off at how crazy we acted. As the kids started growing up, those nights became rare. They had other things to do - play video games, go out with friends, etc. Last night there wasn't a football game or a sleepover and we all ended up in the living room with the directv music channels on. The kids entertained us by changing their dances to the type of music on different stations - reggae, disco, broadway, etc. It was hilarious. Daniel and I seek out and pay for fun things for the family to do - movies, football games, amusement parks, and concerts, but sometimes the most fun can be had at home for free.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Wonderful World of Insomnia

By now many of you may have noticed that I tend to respond to e-mails, blog, and hang out on fb at odd hours. That's due to my strange habit of awaking at 4 am. I don't always hit 4 o'clock on the dot and I certainly don't try (or want) to wake up at that hour, but it just happens. My eyes pop open and I'm ready to start my day. My mind starts racing with my 'to do' list for the day and I'm ready to get to it. Occasionally I can lie down on the couch and watch something boring on TV (March of the Penguins especially) and fall asleep again, but usually once I'm up, I'm up. So I head up to the bonus room and log on to the computer.
Daniel thinks I'm nuts (but he's not a morning person at all). I even saw my doctor to make sure there's nothing wrong. There isn't. I'm a little high strung (she said anxious). She could write me a prescription that would knock me out for longer, but it would come with a variety of side effects that just aren't appealing to me. I fall asleep between 9 and 10 at night so I get 6-7 hours of sleep. That's pretty good. Truth is being awake at 4 am doesn't bother me. I get to catch up with old friends, blog about my fabulous family, and see what's happening in the world. With our family life and my job being as hectic as they are, I need some 'me' time and if this is the only time I can get it, I'll take it.

Three Peas in a Pod (or Three Girls in a Jetta)

Thursday was a momentous day in our family - Jeri got her first car! It is a cute little used Jetta. (Hopefully, I'll get a picture of it soon.) Sara and I went over to ooh and ah over it. Then, Jeri took us for a ride. She's a good driver and will probably be the first one in the family to pass her driver's test on the first try.
Anyway, as we were riding, we had a chance to talk. How long has it been since the three of us did that? Too long. When they were younger, we did that more. We had sleepovers and went shopping. As they started to grow and their own lives started taking up more of their time, we didn't spend as much time together. I think we all realized on Thursday that we missed that.
Jeri commented that Sara is just like she was at that age and I realized how much both are like I was at those times. Of course they have their own unique qualities, but deep down girls are just girls.

Monday, October 6, 2008

When did everyone else get so old?

I know I blogged back in August about how I knew I was getting older, but this weekend I had another run-in with the passage of time. This weekend I attended the funeral of my aunt Carol. She was a kind lady married to my Dad's brother Edward for over 40 years. Together they formed the nearest thing to a role model for marriage that I ever saw in my family. Even though Uncle Ed and Aunt Carol lived far away, the longevity of their marriage reassured me that "it could be done."
Anyway, at the funeral I started looking around at my cousins, my aunts, and uncles, and my grandmother. When did they get so old? In my mind, they're all still as they were when I was a kid, but at the funeral I saw them for who they actually are now. My grandmother had difficulty remembering who was who, but she still gets around pretty well. Another aunt was using a walking stick. Several of the pallbearers looked like they really shouldn't be carrying anything much less a heavy coffin. They used to be so vibrant and energetic. When did this all happen?
Anyway, it was one of those surreal (Sorry, Richard, if you're reading this. I know how much you dislike that word.) moments of epiphany -this will be me someday and that someday will be here way too soon. If I can remember what many of these folks were like at my age, then I will be their age before I know it. I wonder if I should get one of those scooter chairs before the price goes up too much?

**Update** See where I said some of the pallbearers looked like they shouldn't be carrying anything? Well, Dad was one of them. He shouldn't have been carrying anything because he now has a pinched nerve in his shoulder. Wonder if everyone else is okay?