Sunday, October 12, 2008

Three Peas in a Pod (or Three Girls in a Jetta)

Thursday was a momentous day in our family - Jeri got her first car! It is a cute little used Jetta. (Hopefully, I'll get a picture of it soon.) Sara and I went over to ooh and ah over it. Then, Jeri took us for a ride. She's a good driver and will probably be the first one in the family to pass her driver's test on the first try.
Anyway, as we were riding, we had a chance to talk. How long has it been since the three of us did that? Too long. When they were younger, we did that more. We had sleepovers and went shopping. As they started to grow and their own lives started taking up more of their time, we didn't spend as much time together. I think we all realized on Thursday that we missed that.
Jeri commented that Sara is just like she was at that age and I realized how much both are like I was at those times. Of course they have their own unique qualities, but deep down girls are just girls.