Victor Hugo once said, "Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age." Yikes!
No matter how hard I have tried to ignore it, that fortieth birthday is looming. (I can even hear the Darth Vader theme song whenever I pass a joke) There are reminders everywhere - former students getting married and starting families, being called a "veteran" colleague at work, remembering things that happened in college -twenty years ago, seeing my daughter navigate the perils of adolescence.
So, how do I feel about 40? Well, I don't feel the way 40 is usually described. I don't feel old or like my time is running out. I don't necessarily feel any more mature or wise. I still don't think I've mastered a sense of personal style. I don't feel an urgent need to demonstrate how young I still am - sorry, no wild parties or sports cars or relationship-wrecking behaviors here.
I just feel settled. I'm not climbing any sort of career ladder. I'm doing exactly what I want to be doing there. I'm not struggling with small children and wishing they'd grow up so things would be easier. The road with the kids has been a bit bumpy lately, but it's nothing compared to sleepless nights with cranky toddlers. Daniel and I are in a good place. He's still my best friend and the love of my life.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I have nothing to prove. Is that what forty means? Not feeling compelled to live up to someone else's standards? Because I certainly don't feel that urge at all. I love my life. There's nothing that I need that I don't already have (well, maybe some new shoes...). I have a great job, a wonderful and loving family, a comfortable house, a solid relationship with my maker. What else is really important?
Maybe the first half of life is spent attaining the life you want and the second half is spent enjoying it. That sounds nice. I think I'll go with that. I'll try to remember it whenever I hear "dum, dum, dum, dum-da-dum, dum-da-dum."
Flashback: October
14 years ago
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