Wednesday, January 6, 2010


As is the case every year, Christmas for us was a several day event.

We started with the Hollis family on the 22nd. The whole crew went to Five guys for burgers and then back to the Hollis abode to exchange gifts.

The 23rd was a baking day as Daniel had a half day off work. He made a pound cake, a cheesecake, and some cookies. No wonder I gained several pounds!

The 24th found us traveling to spend time first at Curtis and Terri's house with them and Jason's family. Then, we ate dinner with Deborah and Madeline.

Morning on the 25th arrived at about 5:30 when the kids woke us up to see what Santa brought. My mom came over for a late breakfast. Later we entertained my Dad, Zeb, Jeri, and Todd with dinner, some Rock Band, and a rowdy game of Quelf. It was lots of fun.

December Fun

We enjoyed several fun times this month. Our annual trip to Roper Mountain Science Center to see the pretty lights is always a hit. Daniel, Owen, Nanny, and I loaded up the car on a frosty December Saturday to follow Sara and the colorguard to the State Championship Football game. Even though the Rebels lost, we still had a great time. Then, we were treated to Owen's first band concert as the 5th grade band played Christmas songs and impressed us with how far they've come since August.