Sunday, September 21, 2008

Class of '88 Reunion

What a weekend! It has been filled with old friends and good times. On Friday night we attended the Dorman Homecoming game with Sara and Owen. We saw so many of our high school friends with their families.

Crissy was there with her husband and two TEENAGERS! Crissy and I go all the way back to 6th grade. She is still the same fabulous person I bonded with as a 12 year old. I hope Sara and Kaitlyn still know each other when they're 38. There's nothing like shared history.

Holly was there with her family. She turned out just as I always thought she would. She's a sweet, loving, patient mother to 2 adorable kids. Holly was born to be a mom.

Karen traveled all the way from Florida for the weekend. She has the cutest little boy and she still remembers everything, all those deep conversations we used to have in Psychology class instead of doing classwork.

Just so many people! Even Mrs. B- was there. It was so good to see her. I've never been one to frequent Homecoming games at Byrnes. I've just always thought the alums want to see each other, not their old teachers. I think I may change my ways. Seeing Mrs. B- was so fantastic for me and for Daniel. She was a mom away from our moms. She immediately saw us in Sara and Owen, not just "she looks like you" as most people do. She looked deeper. Mrs. B- said Owen had my "intense" look (and he does now that I think about it). She would always see in us what we overlooked. That's what made her our favorite teacher.

Last night we attended the Reunion Party at the Piedmont Club. We got all dressed up and spent 4 hours reliving the old days, catching up, and remembering that in losing touch over the years, we lost something important. These are the people we were and we wouldn't be who we are without them.

I was so happy to see April. We were inseparable throughout high school. Last night I remembered why. She's so easy to talk to and it was like picking up a conversation from a week ago, not 7 or 8 years ago.

The weekend was full of my old girlfriends and that was so great, but something was missing. Where were Daniel's guys? What happened to the Four Horsemen? (So named after professional wrestlers, not the ones from the Bible. Daniel clarified that for me last night. Some of their adventures had seemed apocalyptic though...) I was disappointed for him on Friday. He knew all of the girls and saw PLENTY of other folks he knew, but it isn't the same when you don't get to see your best friends.

But Saturday night was better. He got to see Aqil. He and Daniel haven't seen each other in at least 15 years. It was so great. Aqil is a doctor and has just moved back to Spartanburg. Seeing the two of them together was such a blast from the past. They complement each other so well.

This weekend we all made promises to do a better job of keeping in touch. Really there is no excuse for it. Many of us live so close to one another and those who live far away are as close as our computers.

To those whose faces I so wanted to see, but who didn't make it this weekend (Laura, Javier, Jack, and the other two horsemen - Brian and Tony), I'm looking for you. We have some catching up to do.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Legacies

I've been blessed in my life in so many ways - awesome husband, terrific kids, job I love, but the blessings that are on my mind this morning are my brother and sister, Zeb and Jeri. I spent 21 years as an only child and many of those years hoping and even praying for a sibling. When they arrived I was already grown, but they couldn't be more special to me if we had grown up together.

Now that they're both students at the school where I teach, I get to see them more often. It's just brief and not everyday, but when they do pass by or better yet, take a minute to stop by, it makes my day. They are glimpses into the past. In them I see my dad's fervent sense of right and wrong, his competitive spirit, and the famous Toney impatience and temper. They also have unique qualities inherited from their mom. Zeb has her warmth. Once you get beyond his protective shell, you find a kind soul. Jeri has her mom's independence. She's determined and very capable.

This year they've each expressed to me the same goal - to attend USC. I never thought I'd care where they (or Sara and Owen) went to college. As long as they're happy, I'm happy. That's still true, but knowing they're happy with my alma mater is even better. Jeri told me last spring that she's interested in USC and we were able to schedule a tour during spring break. Zeb just told me yesterday so if he wants me to go with him, we'll set up something soon.

Even if they end up elsewhere (hopefully not Clemson), I'll still be proud of them and happy for them. They're proof to me that God does answer prayers.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It's finally here! No, I'm not talking about back to school time, or autumn leaves time. I am talking FOOTBALL people. We just wrapped up the first full week of bliss - NFL, college, and high school football. I am in heaven. No other sport or hobby gives me the same adrenaline rush that watching a football game does. I have never been known to jump up and down in the living room screaming "GO,GO,GO" because my daylillies or roses are blooming. I love reading, but I don't pound my fist on the table when the protagonist of the novel messes up. However, I do all those things when watching football.
Seeing football games in person is good. We try to see one or two Byrnes games each year (and occasionally a Dorman game). The Byrnes games are really more of a social event than anything. So many people to see that it's hard to focus on what's going on. And, not to boast, but well, the outcome usually isn't in question.
We also try to attend a USC game when we can. Those are always fun and they bring back lots of college memories. I've been to a few NFL games too. My favorite was the year Daniel took me to see Brett Favre and the Green Bay Packers play in Charlotte. This year we're taking Owen and Sara to see Owen's beloved Carolina Panthers. That should be a fun weekend.
However, my favorite way to watch football is right in my own living room. We make some good food on Sunday afternoon, pile up in front of the TV, and root (loudly) for and against a myriad of teams. Two additions to our ritual in recent years have increased my fun tremendously - NFL Sunday ticket (we can see any game we want to) and fantasy football. I hated fantasy football until I understood it. Now that I've been playing for two years, I love it. It doesn't hurt that my team (Campy's Campers) won the family Super Bowl last year (thank you, Brett Favre). Now, I have not only teams that I love to watch (Green Bay and now the Jets too), but I have players all over the place and whomever I'm playing against has players all over the place so almost any game is more exciting.
By the way, the Campers are 1-0 this season. Sorry, Daniel.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Okay, so I am a day late with this post (only 4 hours really as it's 4 am, more on that later), but here it is nonetheless. Sept. 4 was our 15th wedding anniversary. We didn't do anything big this year, but we made it a special day anyway. Daniel surprised me with beautiful pink roses at work. The first time he sent me flowers when we were dating, they were pink and yes, ladies, he remembered. I stopped at the store and picked up steaks for dinner and a small present for Daniel. He has been craving red velvet cake for weeks so I got him a huge slice from the store bakery and the traditional card. We did make one large purchase to commemorate the day - we bought Owen a new dresser for his room. Okay, so it wasn't a romantic gesture. It wasn't jewelry or a trip; it wasn't even for us. But the afternoon we spent together shopping (without the kids- thanks to mom) was for us and it was a terrific gift. Those of you with kids will understand.