Friday, June 27, 2008

Road Trip '08

We just returned last week from our summer road trip vacation with stops in Louisville, Nashville, and Chattanooga. We had a great time! My favorite parts of the trip were touring the Louisville Slugger Factory and Museum. I am a sucker for a factory tour... Seeing the races at Churchill Downs was exciting! Mammoth Cave was incredible!! It was gigantic, not just one big room like I thought it would be, but a series of complex ones and we only saw a small part of the cave system. I would love to go back there! I also enjoyed the Tennessee State Museum. It covered lots of different aspects of Tennessee's history - including lifestyle exhibits on food and furniture of past generations, not a boring museum at all.
So, everyone seemed skeptical about the road trip before we left asking "why are you going there?" Well, the truth is, we wanted to see some of America we had never seen before. We've been blessed with a large and varied country so why limit our experience of it to one or two states? We started out with the idea of going to Yellowstone and we haven't given up on going there some day, but, well you've seen gas prices and airfare prices lately... Anyway, it was a good opportunity to see new places and spend time together. That's what vacation is all about, right?
What did we learn that we could pass on? First, three cities was a bit much. I think for the next road trip we'll limit it to two. Secondly, going to places that aren't on a top destinations list can be very rewarding. We'd heard many things about Nashville and Chattanooga, but no one we knew had been to Louisville. We ended up enjoying Louisville most of all. It's the one city I'd like to revisit. So when planning a vacation, sometimes it's fun to just get out the map and find somewhere new.
I'll try to persuade the other Campers to blog about their favorite parts of the trip too.