Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One Era Ends and Another One Begins

The end of this school year brings some mixed feelings for us. Of course the kids and I are really excited about being out of school for the summer. However, the end of school this year also means the end of the Reidville Elementary School years (see the pictures above from Owen's last day). As Owen leaves Reidville this year so do we all leave this place that's been a huge part of our lives for the last 8 years. I always say that Reidville Elementary is the happiest school on earth. I've never been there that I wasn't greeted by a smiling face. Not only that, everyone on staff (teachers, the principal, even the custodian) knows my children by name and always has something positive to say about them. That would make any parent's day, but it's not just my kids. They treat every family the same way. Friendly is great, but what about academics? Also first-rate. Owen and Sara were challenged daily and celebrated when they achieved success. Reidville has done a wonderful job with my children. They both got a great start there and for that I will be forever grateful. We'll miss you Reidville, but don't fret, we're sending one of the Hollis cousins your way this fall. :-)

But, as the title reads, a new era is beginning for the Camps - the band years. Both Owen and Sara are going to be participating in our award-winning band program this fall. Sara was ecstatic to make the Byrnes Winterguard this past winter and they had a great season placing 3rd at the Championships at WCU. Last week she participated in the auditions for this fall's Rebel Regiment Color Guard and made it! We knew her experience on winterguard would be helpful at try-outs, but we also knew that not many 8th graders make the marching guard (5 of them made it this year and that's a new record).
She is thrilled to be marching at the football games this fall, but not as excited about the many weeks of band camp this summer. (It'll be lots of fun; she just doesn't know it yet.) However, she's ready for it and she's earned her spot. We're so proud of her! So come on out on a Friday night this fall and see her take the field!
As exciting as that is, that's not the full extent of our upcoming band experience. Owen enters intermediate school this fall and has the opportunity to play an instrument in band class. He has chosen the trombone and he's looking forward to getting started. Who knows? Maybe someday they'll take the field together.


The Hollis Family said...

Your experience is one of the main things that is keeping me from hyperventilating each time I think of sending my baby off to "big school" come August!