Friday, April 23, 2010


Today is Owen's 11th birthday. How did that happen? He has grown so fast. Last night I was thinking about the night/early morning he came into the world.
The very first signs of labor started while I was at work that day with a few random but strong pains. I kept my mouth shut for fear they'd send me home right away. I knew it wasn't close enough to worry so I busied myself getting all the plans set out for the substitute.
Daniel had a business dinner that night for some out-of-town folks and I was invited to come along. We went to Kanpai and still I hadn't said anything to anyone about what was going on. The pains were still far apart, but during dinner Daniel noticed me looking at my watch and breathing deeply. He asked if I was okay and I said I think we're having a baby sometime tonight. He was a little nervous after that.
It was finally time to go to the hospital around 9 or 10. The pains were close and strong, very strong. With Sara, I wasn't sure it was time when we left for the hospital, but with Owen, I knew for sure. At the hospital, I was given an epidural immediately and that's when things stopped progressing. All the epidural did was numb my feet and slow Owen's progress.
We were basically in a holding pattern from 11pm until about 5 am. It was not a pleasant few hours. At one point a nurse came in and put me on oxygen WITHOUT EXPLAINING WHY. I was freaking out. What was wrong? Finally Daniel or one of the moms spoke up and said that she was scaring me and to stop it. She finally said there was no need for panic. It was precaution because I was so tired.
About 5 am a different nurse took over my care. She was an older, more experienced nurse and she was very calming. She wedged a small pillow under my back on one side and that's when the action started. Owen had been stuck and this shift was just enough to get him moving. He was born about 20 minutes later!
I think it is so incredible that we forget so many of the moments of our lives, but a mother doesn't forget the details of when her children were born.